If your online account has insufficient funds to make a purchase, you can deposit funds using PayPal, a bank account and debit or credit card during the purchase process.
You can also deposit funds separately via these methods from within the Funds section of your online The Lott account. More information about depositing funds using PayPal is available here, while more information about depositing funds using a debit or credit card is available here.
To deposit funds while purchasing using The Lott website:
- Log in to your online account at thelott.com.
- Once you’ve selected the tickets you’d like to buy, select the cart icon located in the top right corner.
- Select Buy Ticket
- If the cost of your purchase is greater than your account balance, you will receive an insufficient funds notice and see a list of deposit methods available to you.
- If you have linked your PayPal wallet to your online account or have deposited funds previously with a debit or credit card, these options will be available for you to select.
- The option to add a new debit or credit card is available in Withdraw funds to my bank account, which can be found within the My funds section of your account.
- You will be promoted to deposit the amount you need to complete your purchase. However, you can choose to increase this amount.
- If you choose to deposit funds using an existing debit or credit card saved to your online account, you will need to enter the three-digit CVC/CVV code found on the back of the corresponding card.
- Select Deposit and then Buy Ticket to finalise your purchase.
- Any additional funds that you deposited into your online account will appear in your account balance.
- If you connected your PayPal wallet or added a new debit or credit card, these details will be saved in your online account.
To deposit funds while purchasing using The Lott app:
- Log in to your online account via The Lott app.
- Once you’ve selected the items you’d like to buy, select the cart icon located at the bottom right of the screen.
- Select Buy ticket.
- If the cost of your purchase is greater than your account balance, you will receive an insufficient funds notice and see a list of deposit methods available to you.
- If you have linked your PayPal wallet to your online account or have deposited funds previously with a debit or credit card, these options will be available for you to select.
- If you have multiple cards already saved to your online account, the option to add a new debit or credit card may be found by swiping right. All you need to do is input the details.
- Choose your preferred payment option.
- Below the payment option you select, you will see a box prompting you to deposit the amount you need to complete your purchase. However, you can choose to increase this amount.
- If you choose to deposit funds using an existing debit or credit card saved to your online account, you will need to enter the three-digit CVC/CVV code found on the back of the corresponding card.
- Select Deposit and then Buy ticket.
- Any additional funds that you deposited into your online account will appear in your account balance.
- If you connected your PayPal wallet or added a new debit or credit card, these details will be saved in your online account.
Please note:
- Mastercard via PayPal is no longer available as a deposit option.
- Some banks treat a credit card deposit as a cash advance. If you have any issues with this, please contact your card issuer.
- The following banks may also decline gambling transactions via credit card: Citibank, Suncorp, Bank of Queensland and Virgin Money.