You can deposit funds into your online The Lott account using a debit or credit card.
A maximum of three cards can be added to an online The Lott account within a 180-day period.
If the limit is exceeded with a valid reason, our Customer Support team can assist you on 131 868.
Please note: a minimum deposit of $1 must be placed to add a new debit or credit card.
Deposits made via credit card may result in a cash advance fee by the issuer of your card. We strongly suggest arranging contact with your financial institution for further information on cash advance fees.
Adding a new debit or credit card to your account using The Lott website:
- Log in to your online account at
- Select the account icon.
- Select Funds.
- Select Add funds to my online balance.
- Select Deposit with new card.
- Enter card details in the pop-up window and select Continue to finalise.
- Card added should appear the top of the page if successful.
Adding a new debit or credit card to your account using The Lott app:
- Log in to your online account on The Lott app.
- Select Funds.
- Select Manage credit cards.
- Select Add new credit card.
- Enter details and select Add card.