If you don’t verify your identity, your online account with The Lott will remain in a restricted state, preventing you from:
- withdrawing any prize winnings from your account;
- using our Subscription service that enables you to automatically purchase entries into your favourite games;
- depositing money into your account above a certain limit; and
- purchasing tickets with your account above a certain weekly limit.
Depending on what state or territory you live in, different conditions will also apply if you don’t verify your identity:
If you’re a resident of Queensland, you have 90 days from the date your account was created to verify your identity.
- If this process is not completed within that time frame, your account will be closed.
- If your account remains unverified for a period of 12 months, any funds residing within your account will be sent to the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation in Queensland.
If you’re a resident of New South Wales or the Australian Capital Territory, you will have 90 days from the date your account was created to verify your identity.
- If this process is not completed within that time frame, your account will be closed.
- Any funds residing within your account will be retained until you are able to complete verification of your identity.
- If you’re a resident of the Northern Territory, you have 45 days from the date your account was created to verify your identity.
- If this process is not completed within that time frame, your account will be closed.
If you're a resident of South Australia, you have 90 days from the date your account was created to verify your identity.
- If this process is not completed within that time frame, your account will be closed.
Please note: for the purposes of identity verification, international customers are assigned the Northern Territory rules.